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Conservatives for America

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1: The Beginning of Black History Month

February 1st marks the beginning of Black History Month. One question that I ask is why this was ever set up. I know that I will probably be called a "racist" by the media for even bringing that up, but what can I say about a liberal media who blows everything a person on the right says completely out of proportion. In fact, I am not a racist, I just don't believe that Black History Month should have to forced down our throats. There is no doubt that African Americans have contributed greatly to this country. However, there are many white people that have made their contributions too and we do not have a "White History Month". Those that want to learn about contributions of African Americans can do so. We just don't want to have to listen to it for a complete month. It is fine to acknowledge those African Americans who helped America be what it is today, but we don't have to act like they are some kind of gods.